Monday, June 10, 2024

CDE World Events Coming Your Way


This past Friday, June 7, 2024 I was asked to be part of the CDE World continuing eduction event in Oak Brook, Illinois in the suburbs of Chicago.  It was a *great* event.  I had a terrific time discussing Diagnostic Technologies as well as why we need to bring mobile dental efforts to homebound and nursing home patients.

The folks at CDE World really put on an event that has to be seen and attended to really be appreciated.  The location in Chicago had everything in place and was run with pinpoint perfection.  The events are unique in that they feature several speakers covering a topic for only one hour each.  This means you get a lot of incredible information delivered in a short concise format.

Over the years that I have been lecturing to the dental community, I've done events with multiple speakers.  Personally I feel these types of events are one of the best formats out there.  It allows the audience to get lots of info from different experts while also getting different perspectives from fellow professionals.  Combine that with the fact that different speakers have different styles and varying delivery and it also works to help hold the attention of the audience.

CDE World is putting on events like this all over the US this summer.  If you're interested, you can find more about them as well as registration by following this link.  

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