Monday, March 28, 2022

Beginning Evaluation of Sonicare 9900 Prestige Powered Toothbrush


I have been using a powered brush for so long now, I cannot reliably tell you what year I switched over.

One thing I do know for sure is that about 10 years ago I was coming back from a lecture I'd done and I missed my connection home from O'Hare by one minute.  This forced me to spend the night at a nearby hotel and I had to ask for a toothbrush and other items at the front desk.  The brush they gave me was a flimsy manual brush and I could not believe that people actually used those things.  It was at that moment that I realized how much I loved powered brushes.

Anyway, I'm a spoiled brusher in that regard, but the good news is that anyone that has the budget can be a "spoiled brusher" too.

And that segues into today's post.  For the next month or so I will be using and evaluating the newest Sonicare unit the 9900 Prestige powered toothbrush.  As you can see from the photo above it not only comes with a charger base, but also with a travel case.  The cool thing about the case is that you can plug the charging cord into it and charge the brush in the case or the charging base depending on your preference and your location.  Being on the road with the ability to charge your brush is pretty nice.  Sonicare has had this feature in some of their other offerings for a while now, but it is nice to see it continue.  Once you start to use a power brush you will NOT want to go back, so a charging option becomes mandatory for travel.

While I'm really excited about the 9900 Prestige in general, something else I'm fired up about is the app.  The brush interfaces with an app that is available from both Google Play and the Apple App Store.  The brush settings are controlled via the app plus the app also tracks your brushing.  And when I say tracks I mean tracks.  The brush has a built in accelerometer.  This is the same device that is in your mobile phone that lets it react to tipping or rotating and changing the screen accordingly.  Because of this technology, the brush can tell how it is turned and consequently where it is in the mouth.

This lets the brush know how it is moving and how much time you spend in designated areas of your mouth.  This will allow the brush and app, working together, to offer suggestions to the user on their brushing habits to help improve home care.  As a dentist, I'm excited about the idea of a "virtual toothbrush coach" that can help the user every time they brush.

In case you can't tell, I'm excited to get started with this one.  I'll be posting again after I have some experience.  Definitely stay tuned for this one.

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