Monday, July 1, 2024

Bluesky Bio Announces New Photogrammetry Scanner


For several years now BlueSky Bio has been a leading force in helping doctors to read, analyze, and create patient solutions with CBCT.  Over the years, I've gotten a chance to know the creators of the company and I feel they are good people doing good things for the profession.

The company first came to market with BlueSky Plan which gave doctors a *free* platform to read CBCT datasets.  They paired this with ability to design things like implant surgical guides and occlusal guards and pay for them on a per case basis.  Many doctors have made BSB their choice due to the free software and quality of their components.

Now the company has announced a photogrammetry scanner to increase clinical efficiency and accuracy.  The science of photogrammetry is basically the extraction of 3D information from a series images and then converting them into 2D or 3D models.  Doctors are finding this is a great adjunct to delivering incredible prosthetic implant results.  The basic process is to screw in specially made scanning abutments which the scanner can then "see" and identify.

The device is called the BlueSkyBio Grammee and is now available for purchase.

There is a ton of info available from BSB on the Grammee and rather than putting that all here, I'll let those of you interested follow this link to the website.  It looks impressive although I have not had any hands on experience with it.

You can also download a pdf brochure from this link.  

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