Monday, September 16, 2024

Tinkering with Some New 3D Resins...


Not a long post today, but one I wanted to make to keep you updated.

I've received a bottle of  Sculpture 2.0 from Rodin.  For those of you not familiar with it, this is a resin that has been specifically manufactured to create permanent and long term crowns using a 3D printer.  It's an interesting material that contains 60% ceramic filler as well as a Zirconia-infused Ceramic Nano-hybrid.

My current testing time is pretty full, but as soon as I can, I am going to create some crowns with it and take a look at them on models for fit and other things.

When I get enough units completed and experience with the material, I'll report back on what I've discovered and/or figured out.  In reading about it, the material seems interesting, but testing and trials are what I do!

I firmly believe that 3D printing of all kinds of things is going to make many changes in dentistry in the not too distant future.  I've been pretty immersed in the world of 3D printing for most of 2024 and I have been really impressed with what I've seen and created so far.  Once I get some testing of the Rodin Sculpture 2.0 under my belt, I'll let you know my experiences.

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