Wednesday, September 18, 2024

DEXIS Announces the New DEXIS™ Connect Pro for Better Device Up Time


Dentists rely heavily on our imaging modalities... especially radiographs.  If a situation occurs and we lose that ability, our diagnostics suffer greatly.  Sensors are costly enough that offices don't keep a spare in reserve just on the odd chance that they might need to grab a new one out of their supplies.  Most offices carry insurance policies on their sensors.  This normally ensures that if a sensor goes down, a replacement can be overnighted to the office.  However, even overnight delivery means downtime, however slight.

To help fight that problem, DEXIS has announced the new DEXIS™ Connect Pro system.  It *actively* monitors the health of sensors as well as DEXIS CBCT to help predict problems before they happen.  

According to DEXIS, the idea is to "automatically arrange support or equipment replacements if performance issues are detected, allowing customers’ DEXIS products to stay up and running more consistently."

Basically the system will monitor the hardware remotely and DEXIS support will notify the office if it detects a problem.  If a problem or potential problem is detected, the dental office can be notified and corrective action can be taken before a complete hardware failure occurs.  The system will communicate with over 100 technical support agents who can notify the office of potential problems and correct problems more efficiently.

I remember several years ago there was a commercial on TV advertising an Internet connected refrigerator.  A lady answers the door to see a repairman who says, "I'm here to fix the refrigerator."

The lady says, "My refrigerator isn't broken."  To which the repairman answers, "Not yet."

That is the concept here.  DEXIS is working to identify problems that the user might be unaware of yet, but could lead to a major problem.  By identifying small things that might cascade into bigger things, the dental office will be more efficient with less downtime.

We're going to see more and more of this as more and more equipment in our personal and professional lives becomes Internet connected.  I'm excited to see how this progresses.  Once DEXIS has had this system in use for a while, I'm pretty sure that statistics will show offices with less downtime due to hardware problems.

For more info you can check the DEXIS website.  

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