Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Understanding and Manipulating Color by Fay Goldstep, George Freedman


I have known Dr. George Freedman and his wife Dr. Fay Goldstep for around 20 years know.  They are a great c couple, but more to the point of today's post... they are smart.

Recently the duo created an article of how to understand color.  It's sponsored by the very smart folks at AdDent.  I've been using AdDent products for probably longer than I have know George & Fay.  They make some really cool products that can make practicing dentistry easier.  For sure you should check them out.

Here is what AdDent has to say about Fay and George's article and the link to the article will follow...

The study of color can be extremely complex and involved. In fact, the understanding of color and its manipulation is fundamental to the ability to create esthetically pleasing restorations in the mouth.
In today’s dentistry, both composites and porcelains are expected to mimic not only the shade of natural dentition, but also the translucence, opacity, and shade distribution of a real tooth.
Overall the indications for color and shade matching can encompass both the direct and the indirect procedures that are undertaken by the dentist on an everyday basis. Much of today’s dentistry is esthetically related or expected to be esthetic by patients. Whether the restoration is a direct composite filling or an indirect ceramic or ceramic porcelain-fused-to-metal procedure, it is expected to match the coloration of all the existing teeth.
If the procedure is done incorrectly, then the resulting restoration will not match the teeth; and, of course, in that case the procedure will have failed even before the restoration is placed in the patient’s mouth.

To read the full article, follow this link:  https://pocketdentistry.com/7-color-and-shade/ 

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